Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Gramma 10/3

It's been a long time since I've posted anything since "My Daddy". I never thought I could express anything more sincere and from the heart as I did that day in April '09.

As hard as it has been to overcome and accept the passing of my father, I must tell the story about my gramma.

Born December 16, 1906, my gramma, Alvina Carlson, was an incredible woman. She lived through challenges in her life with strength and determination that I reflect upon today and gain strength and determination from.

She lived through many tragedies - the death of a sibling at a young age, the Great Depression, WWII among other wars, and still managed to raise two daughters on her own. During the Depression she worked as a hostess in a restaurant. "People with money still went out to eat dear," she'd tell me, reflecting on her earlier years. She was a survivor. Circumstances did not determine her actions. Her actions were a result of managing the circumstances.

Her two daughters produced 11 grandchildren. Those 11 grandchildred produced 13 great grandchildren - my fine son Devin being number 13. Of her 11 grandchildren, my oldest cousin Kathy was born on October 3rd, 1950. I am the youngest of the 11 grandchildren, born on October 3rd, 1960. Exactly 10 years apart. 10/3/50 to 10/3/60.

The significance of 10/3...

I have many fond memories of my gramma. She would bake Christmas cookies for all of her grandchildren - an unbelievable variety of cookies, and box them up in a special Christmas box tied with a red ribbon for all 11 grandchildren. She'd start baking in the summer time! Just to have a perfect box of Christmas cookies for all of her grandkids.

She would also make her special Kuchen - the German word for cake. From scratch, she would make the dough with yeast, let it rise, flatten it out with a rolling pin, and cut up fresh fruit to bake this special Kuchen (cake) with various fruits. Apricot, plum, apple, grape, you name it Gramma could bake it. Check out this link - my mouth waters just thinking about it.

There were many other special moments, like her 100th birthday party in Cleveland (photo from that day with her two daughters).

The last time I spoke with her was on her 101th birthday. I called her from Florida. It took her a while but once she understood it was me calling she was very happy. But she admitted that she was getting tired. I told her, gramma, I don't blame you at all. I love you.

Two years later she died. On her birthday, at 103 years old, she died. Exactly 103 years old. Her grandchildren, exactly 10 years apart, born on 10/3 - and she died at exactly 103 years old. Another 10/3!

John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

In times of trouble I remember this passage and I remember my gramma - what she endured, and how she would prevail over her challenges. December 16, 1906 - December 16, 2009. Exactly 103 years old.

I love you gramma. And I'll never forget you...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Daddy....

Two years ago, April 4, 2007, my father passed away. It was a sad day - and an incredible day at the same time.

My father knew about battles - he joined the Navy just after WWII and served his country when it was on top of the world. That training prepared him for the toughest battle of his life - heart disaese.

We almost lost him in the spring of 1979. During a workout one evening he suffered his first heart attack. I was 18 and just out of high school when reality hit me like a ton of bricks. My daddy might not make it! While he was in ICU for 8 days it seemed like I had tunnel vision everywhere I went. Doctor's prognosis was grim and watching him convulsing on the ER table was even worse. But somehow he pulled out of it and made a full recovery, even though triple bypass surgery was inevitable.

Nearly 28 years and 3 triple bypass surgery's later he knew there was no such thing as a 4th triple bypass. So when his heart began to fail again he told his doctors - throw everything you've got at me! It was a grueling six months as he battled his failing heart and his failing kidneys. His only desire was to go home...

...For a while, home was in south Florida. My daddy loved Florida. When we were kids, every Easter he would drive all 4 of us to Hollywood Florida. From Detroit the first stop was Cininnati, second stop Atlanta, then the third day we'd arrive in Hollywood. Every Easter we would make this trip and every time we would take 3 days - Cincinnati, Atlanta, then Hollywood.

Three days. Does that remind you of anything? Easter approaching???

One of those trips was after my grandfather had passed. My daddy would always take us to a Catholic church near the first circle in Hollywood, Little Flower Church. It was there I experienced my grandfather's presense. His image and words I will never forget. With a smile on the image of his face, grandpa told me that everything was OK. Wow! At age 12, my grandpa understood that I was confused and needed some assurance and guidance - that death was inevitable, but life can be everlasting!

So South Florida has always been a special part of my life and I am grateful to God that I live in this special place.

Fast forward to the passing of my father. He fought the battle but passed, when? Near the Easter Holiday 2007. I flew back to Detroit the day he passed, 4/4/07, and when I arrived at DTW I picked up a message that I had a job interview the next day.

My daddy knew I was miserable at my current job. The commute from Fort Lauderdale to Miami was brutal enough, but the way we were all treated by management there was even worse. So the day he died - THE DAY HE DIED - I receive a message that a new company was interested in talking to me.

I called back and explained my circumstances, and when I came back to Florida? I drove back! I stopped in Cincinnati the first night, Atlanta the second, saw the same signs (see Ruby Falls, see Rock City) and was able to re-live the days I treasured the most as a child - Easter trips to Florida!

I ended up getting the job. My hour and a half commute turned into 10 minutes, but the greatest thing was - a new friend at my new job INVITED me to church! That was Easter '08. This is this Easter - WHO ARE YOU INVITING?

I miss you Daddy - I miss you so much..........

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Senseless Violence

Another shooting spree. Another dozen plus dead. We hear it on the news nearly every day it seems - "The attacker killed as many as (however many) before pulling the trigger on himself..." I shake my head every time and pray for those who are involved, and that it doesn't happen to the ones I love. The nagging question is always, why? Why would our loving God allow something as horrible as this to happen? The answer is, He doesn't. He gave us His laws long ago (Exodus 20:13 - "You shall not commit murder" (NIV). God gives all of us the ability to do good and turn away from evil things. So pray for those who are weak and vulnerable to the enemy. Pray that God sends them a message that convinces them that they are not at the end of their ropes and that there is hope. "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you." (Psalms 20: 1).

Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm at the point where I think I'm the world's worst blogger. My first blog was nearly 4 months ago. Throughout this time I have read some incredible blogs from my friends and collegues and have thought, how can I possibly write something as inspirational and true to heart? The truth is - I haven't really tried. More accurately, I haven't really taken the time to blog. The further truth is - it's a bit scary. What will people think about ME when I blog? And heaven forbid - what if I make a mistake? The answer is: It doesn't matter! Because God takes care of everything. Everyting? (Type-o intended!). Yes, everything. A blog is the ultimate journal - not only can you write about your deepest thoughts and feelings, you potentially let the entire world in on your deepest thoughts and feelings. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. So I pledge this second day of March - I will use the month of March 2009 as an opportunity to blog, to intentionally expose my inner most thoughts and feelings, and continue with my original idea - to write about topics that have an impact on my life - litterally and spiritually. "Don on..." whatever. In this case blogging. Be strong Don, don't be afraid. "May your unfailing love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise; then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in your word." Psalm 119: 41-42.

Friday, November 21, 2008


For my first ever blog I couldn't think of a better topic to write about than kindness. It's such a simple thing, yet it seems to be such a hard thing for people to do. Every day we are all faced with burdens and obligations that tend to create a great amount of stress in our lives. We see it on the faces of people we encounter every day - in the grocery store, on the road (especially on the road!) in the office, even in the home. Stress is a part of life. But if we look at it as an opportunity to overcome an obsticle then we can do something about it and reduce the level of stress and anxiety in ourselves and in others.

A great way to do this is through kindness. Have you ever noticed the reaction of someone when you let them go in front of you in the checkout line at the grocery store? A small act of kindness can make a big impact in someone else's day. And maybe that one person that you are nice to does something nice for someone else. Imagine the possibilities...

Kindness is contagious. We can see this through the effort to inspire the world in 25 days at This God inspired event continues to touch people around the world through the power of a gift and the act of kindness. But let us not forget the most powerful and greatest gift of all, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John, 3:16)

Be intentional today and every day. Do something nice for at least one person every day. Open the door for someone. Smile and say hello to someone you don't know. Listen to someone. Be kind to someone and that kindness will return to you some day.